Does Medicare Provide Mental Health Coverage?
Posted: April 21, 2021
Medicare covers certain mental health services, provided the healthcare professional accepts assignment. The Part B deductible applies to doctor visits, in addition to a 20% copay. If you go to a hospital outpatient clinic or department for mental health services, you may have to pay an additional copayment or coinsurance to the hospital. What Mental Health Services Does Medicare Cover If your primary care doctor...
Understanding the “Welcome to Medicare” Physical Exam
Posted: March 21, 2021
During the first 12 months after enrolling in Part B, Medicare covers a one-time, preventative physical exam. This is known as the “Welcome to Medicare” exam. It includes a thorough checkup and health review. It also provides education and counseling on preventative services, such as screenings and vaccines, as well as referrals for additional care if needed. No Cost for the “Welcome to Medicare” Physical...